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We currently live in a world dependent on electronics. Our personal gadgets, personal equipment, modes of transport, and assistive devices like Smartwatch and Smartphone or Smart Home, all run on electronics – and they are getting more advanced by the day.

For children younger than preschool age, electronic devices may help to stimulate the senses and imagination. Some use may help to promote listening ability, learning sounds, and speech.

Electronic devices and games may encourage cognitive learning and the development of analytical skills. This may in turn help children build innovative thinking and investigation skills, strategic thinking, and creativity.

Using computers may improve manual dexterity and build computer literacy.

Mastering games builds confidence and develops hand-eye coordination.

Games that encourage players to move up levels and earn high scores may help develop mathematical and engineering skills, as well as the motivation to meet goals.

The next time you shop for an electronic products, visit our store, which is full of most innovative electronics!

Article publié pour la première fois le 16/08/2020

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